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Go Green – Environmentally Friendly Non-Toxic Cleaning Products

The home should be a safe place for the family in all respects, including environmentally. Indoor pollution is the result of toxic chemicals that are in fabrics, flooring, walls and cleaning products. Keeping the house clean without using harsh, toxic chemicals can be a challenge, but it is possible.

Green Cleaning Products

While shopping for cleaning products, look at the list of ingredients on the label. Most people are surprised to see toxic chemicals that may be harmful to the family. Phosphates, chlorine bleach and formaldehyde are a few of the toxic ingredients that may cause or provoke cancer and respiratory diseases.

Healthier ingredients can do just as good of a job as the toxic products. Some of the cleaning products manufacturers have created non-toxic, green cleaners that are available in grocery and discount stories. With some of the basic ingredients that are already found in many homes, it isn’t difficult to make cleaning products at home, and they’ll save money.

Inexpensive homemade household cleaners:

  • Baking soda is a mild abrasive that can clean and deodorize sinks, bathtubs and toilets. Used in the clothes washing machine, it helps soften fabric.
  • Borax is a deodorizer as well as stain and mildew remover.
  • Vinegar is effective in cleaning windows and deodorizing carpet.
  • Olive oil and mineral oil are good for polishing furniture. For a fresh scent, add a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Heavy Duty Household Cleaning Products

Some areas are more difficult to clean, including the oven, clogged sinks and toilets that have been neglected. The chemicals in commercial products designed to clean those items is even more toxic than other cleaning products. Before reaching for toxic compounds, try using natural and organic cleansers first.

Heavy duty natural cleaning:

  • Oven – Make a thick paste of baking soda and water. Coat the inside of the oven with the paste and leave overnight. The next morning, wipe it down. Repeat if necessary. In the future, prevent oven spills by placing a cookie sheet beneath whatever you are baking to catch the spills.
  • Clogged sinks – Pour a half cup of baking soda into the clogged sink and follow it with one cup of white vinegar. The bubbling action should work to loosen some of the clog. Follow up by plunging or using a snake to remove the clog.
  • Toilets – Mix 1/4 cup of baking soda and one cup of vinegar in the toilet bowl. Leave it for a half hour then use a toilet brush to scrub it clean.

Environmentally Friendly Air Fresheners

Heavily scented perfumes and air fresheners can cause respiratory distress for those who suffer from allergies or asthma. Prevent health problems by opening the windows and allowing fresh air in. Replace the filters on air conditioners and heaters frequently. For gentle fragrance, use natural potpourri made from fresh herbs, dried flowers, wood chips and citrus.

Avoid using toxic chemicals around the house for cleaning. Natural, green cleaning products and air fresheners are just as effective as those with harmful chemicals, and they are much better for the environment.

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