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Neurological Acupuncture? Can Cerebral Acupuncture Help Neurological Illnesses?

The Concept

Cerebral acupuncture, thought to be first practiced by Dr. Hunag Xue-Long in 1934 in China, does not use acupoints like traditional acupuncture. Instead, the head is divided into zones which correlate with certain parts of the body. It can be performed with traditional acupuncture needles or with non-invasive mechanical or electrical stimulation, and even with a laser! Apparently cerebral acupuncture can relieve the symptoms of neurological illnesses.

The Zones of the Head

The patients’ head is divided up into 14 zones, starting from the middle of the skull from the top of the right ear to the top of the left ear. Zones are divided from before and behind that middle line. Such zones include motor, sensory, hearing, speech, thorax, reproductive, visual, and equilibrium areas. Symptoms of neurological illness can be treated by stimulating the zones. Tremor from Parkinson’s disease, pain from sciatica, and even vertigo from Meniere’s syndrome can possibly be alleviated.

The Procedure

According to a chiropractor, non-invasive treatment involves stimulating the opposite side (left side of the head for right-sided affliction), but Chinese practitioners tend to stimulate bilaterally. The zone is stimulated for about 20-30 seconds with the instrument of choice. Acupuncturists will use needles for this procedure, but it has been said that a novice can stimulate the skull area with something as simple as a comb. Individual results vary, but trying alternative treatments for neurological illnesses just might prove effective. For more information, seek a local acupuncturist.

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